Are you struggling in class but too shy to talk to your professor? Are you having trouble navigating resources? Maybe you're not sure about where or how to ask for help.

A rabbit in a forest looking frustrated.

You don't have to be stressed about it. There are ways to ask for academic help!

First, Be Specific!

You'll need to identify problems you have with course material so others can better help you.

Going prepared when asking for help makes you less nervous, while making sure you don't forget anything.

Homer Simpson skimming through a book


How can you prepare to ask for help?

Second, Find The Way!

You're not alone. School staff are there to help you.

You can approach residence dons, college registrars, or even your favorite teaching assistant.

Don't worry about asking the wrong person. Everyone is happy to provide guidance for academic resources!

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Where can you go for questions about class contents?

Third, Learn Actively!

Questions floating on a field of green grass

It's easy to lose track when someone is lecturing but asking yourself questions can help you stay engaged with learning.

For example, tutors usually give you time to think after they've introduced a theory or concept. Use this time to ask yourself:

  • Do I understand how this theory/concept works?

  • Why is this theory/concept helpful?

Take Action

Be prepared to ask for academic help!

And action!


Your feedback matters to us.

This Byte helped me better understand the topic.