You've made the choice to further your education. Congratulations!

Whether you're looking to complete a two-year diploma or a four-year degree, knowing the total cost of your post-secondary education will help you avoid surprises.

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Tuition And Program Fees

Your specific program and school have a big impact on your costs.

Once you've made your decision, calculate your tuition and program fees by adding up:

  • Student tuition

  • Fees specific to your program

  • Compulsory fees for athletics, health, and student services

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Textbooks, Equipment, And Supplies

For some courses, you may just need a textbook. For other courses, you might need special equipment and supplies.

Tally up the course specific items you may need:

  • Textbooks or registrations to publisher eBook portals

  • Computers, cameras, calculators or tools

  • Supplies and materials needed to complete projects

Some of your courses may have specific fees for field trips, co-ops, and internships.

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You quickly started to write a list of possible course specific costs. What would you include in the calculation?

Living Expenses

  • Are you planning to live at home or on campus?

  • Will you be living alone or with your parents, relatives, or partner?

  • Do you have any dependents?

These factors will impact your cost of living.

Start thinking about living expenses you'll need to pay:

  • Rent or mortgage

  • Groceries and eating out

  • Public transit, or fuel, car insurance, and parking

  • Personal care, clothing, and household expenses

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You're single with no dependents, and living with your parents, a few bus stops away from your school. What living expense will you most likely need to pay?

Take Action

Avoid unpleasant surprises by doing the math before you get your bill for post secondary.

Take some time this week to review the post-secondary education you want to take and begin calculating how much you may need each year.

Start by listing out items under the categories:

  1. Tuition and program fees for the school you are looking to attend.

  2. Textbooks, equipment, and supplies required for courses.

  3. Living expenses you'll need to pay while completing your studies.


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