Resumes tend to be the document that is submitted when you are applying for a certain position. Often times, you want to make sure that you include everything that is needed so that you will get an email or a phone call about the interview. However, leaving out pertinent information could mean that you may not get an interview. This is why it is so important to put your best foot forward when you submit your resume.

You want to make sure that you are seen as the chosen candidate for the job. This Byte will be focused on things that will help you to prepare this document for submission.

What does a resume look like?

Byte Author Uploaded Image Each resume looks different but there are some pertinent areas that should be included like:

  1. Name, City, State, Zip Code

  2. Email Address & Phone Number

  3. LinkedIn link

  4. Skills

  5. Education

  6. Relevant Experience

  7. Volunteer Experience

Formatting Tips

  • Double check your email address and phone number as this is what hiring managers will use to contact you.

  • List your education from the most recent to the oldest.

  • Use bold for your degree titles.

  • Use numbers to describe what you accomplished in all of your current and past roles.


How should you order your experiences?

Skills Tips

  • List your skills in three different columns after your LinkedIn link so that hiring managers can see them all at one time.

  • Highlight skills that are relevant to the role that you are applying for.

  • Include any volunteer experience that you have done. List the organization and how you long you did volunteer work there. It's helpful to include what you did in your volunteer role and how it relates to the current position.

Byte Author Uploaded Image

Take Action

In summary, you want to make sure that the document that you submit is error-free. Please make sure that you use Grammarly or another program to check all of your grammar and punctuation. The goal of submitting a resume is to get an interview. It is helpful to make sure that you keep a copy of this resume in your email and in your Files area on your phone. You never know when you will meet a hiring manager and they may want a copy of your resume while they are in a conversation with you. Make sure that you save your file as a Word document so that it can maintain its format during submission.


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