Open and honest conversations can be hard.

What do you say? How do you say it? Where do you start? How will the other person react?

Having open and honest conversations is not always easy!

From one-way criticism to two-way conversations | Training Journal

But having tough conversations honestly can transform our relationships.

It's Better For Your Mental Health

Raising mental health awareness is good, but the hows and whys are  important too - BBC Science Focus Magazine

What's the opposite of being honest? Telling a lie.

According to the American Psychological Association, telling the truth can improve our mental and physical health.

Creates A Space For Vulnerabilty

Being Vulnerable - Safal Niveshak Honest conversations create a safe space for us to be vulnerable.

Brene Brown says it best:

"Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage."

Consider this.

Someone on your team is not submitting their work on time. You could start the conversation by telling them that they aren't pulling their weight. Or, you could start by asking them about their current workload.

Which of these options gives space for your colleague to be vulnerable?

The second option gives a judgement-free opening for them to open up and share honestly.


Lately your friend has been cancelling plans with you. How could you respond to create a safe space for vulnerability?

Enhances Respect And Trust For The Other Person

Empathy - how to put yourself in their shoes • Teacher Horizons

Just like we appreciate when others are honest with us, others will respect us for telling them the truth - even when it's hard.

Put yourself in their shoes.

Would you rather have someone like you based on a lie? Or respect you for telling the truth?

Take Action

Is there a conversation you've been avoiding?

Consider these benefits, and make a plan to have that honest talk.


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