Drake says no to

Following passions that aren't based in reality can be really demotivating. Try ikigai!

A definition of ikigai: a reason for being, a reason to get up in the morning, to enjoy the meaning of life. Ikigai is a Japanese way of living that believes everyone has a purpose in life that motivates them to get out of bed in the morning.

Ikigai encourages you to ask these questions about yourself:

  • What am I good at?

  • What do I love to do?

  • What does the world need?

Answering these questions can help you regain a sense of self-control in your life.

Start Small

Yoda says,

So what's the first step to finding your ikigai? The answer lies in taking small steps that can help improve your well-being.

Start by creating a routine, whether it's waking up early and enjoying your first cup of coffee, or taking the time to write in your gratitude journal at the end of your day.

It might sound silly, but these small steps can really help you have a better day. 

Release Yourself

Jimmy Fallon shrugging his shoulders in acceptance.

Accept who you are....period!

We all have flaws and imperfections and you don't need to impress anyone. As soon as we accept all of ourselves, we feel happier.


Which thought will help you with self-acceptance when you feel anxious?

Rely On Others

An animation of a group of hands connecting. The text reads,

We're all connected! Everything we do has an impact on our lives.

Create harmony in your relationships and friendships as they can help you grow and become stronger.

Reach out to people to share stories that brighten your day, to share advice, to have fun, to dream, etc.

The Joy Of Little Things

Tina from Bob's Burger's enjoys a bowl of cereal.

There's joy in waking up and making a hearty breakfast or taking a morning walk before jumping into the day. Caring for yourself at the beginning of the day can help boost your mood.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself? Write them down and make a habit of doing them first thing in the morning.


What are some toxic thoughts about self-care?

Be In The Here And Now

The man in the viral video below captured people's attention by enjoying a simple moment: skateboarding down a road while enjoying a bottle of cranberry juice.

Being present isn't always easy but try it with small steps:

  • When walking, slow down your steps and notice your surroundings. Pay attention to sounds, colors, smells, etc).

  • When eating food, focus on the flavors and sensations in your mouth.

These exercises can help you get out of autopilot mode and bring more awareness to the rest of your day.

Take Action

A man says,

What do you plan to do differently this week to find your ikigai?


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