Medical expenses in the United States can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. Government programs are thoughtfully designed to support individuals and families in need by providing access to essential healthcare services.

By understanding and using these resources, you can take control of your healthcare costs and find relief from financial stress.

A doctor wearing gloves holding a prescription bottle in one hand and a stack of cash in the other, symbolizing medical costs Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash


Medicaidis a government program designed to provide free or low-cost medical benefits to individuals and families with low incomes. Understanding eligibilityand the application process can help you access essential healthcare services. 🚑

Medicaid provides free or low-cost medical benefits to eligible individuals such as:

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

CHIP offers health coverage for children in families with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid but too low to afford private insurance. Each state manages its CHIP program,which may include services like check-ups, immunizations, and emergency care.

A pediatrician holding a smiling baby during a check-up. Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Key eligibility criteria for CHIP:

  • Age requirement: Available to children from birth until their 19th birthday.

  • Income limit: Income limits vary by state. In most states, families of four with an income up to $80,000 may qualify. Some states allow even higher income levels for eligibility.

  • Immigration status: Coverage is "available for U.S. citizens and certain lawfully present immigrants."

  • Families with working parents: Children in families where one or both parents work may still qualify, especially if employer-provided insurance is unavailable or unaffordable.

  • Foster care youth: Youth who have "aged out" of foster care are covered under Medicaid until age 26, without an income limit.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), created in 1982, provides affordable healthcare for low income communities through health centers. 🏥

These centers offer services like:

  • Medical and dental care

  • Mental health support

  • Vaccinations

  • Prenatal care

A green chair in a clinic or waiting area with a polished floor and colorful carpet. Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash

Health centers:

  • Offer care regardless of ability to pay, adjusting fees based on income and family size.

  • Operate in all US states, territories, and DC, with over 15,500 sites nationwide.

  • Focus on underserved populations, serving 31+ million people, 90% of whom have incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level.

  • Provide services in multiple languages and assist with transportation if needed.

How to find a health center:

Knowledge check

Let's test what you have learned! 📚

Alex, a high school senior, recently started a part-time job. Alex’s family doesn’t have health insurance, and they’re worried about covering medical costs for Alex and his brother.

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What should Alex do to find affordable healthcare options? Select all that apply:

A. Call 911 to ask about health insurance options.

B. Check if the family qualifies for Medicaid or CHIP based on their income

C. Visit a local health center to access low-cost medical care regardless of their ability to pay.

D. Wait until someone in the family gets seriously sick before looking into insurance.


What should Alex do to find affordable healthcare options?

Take Action

Get help with medical bills through Medicaid, CHIP, and health centers! 🏥 🚑

Accessing affordable healthcare is easier than you think! Medicaid, CHIP, and community health centers are here to help you and your family get the medical care you need without breaking the bank.


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