It's the middle of the interview. Everything is going smoothly. Then, the interviewer says, "Give evidence that you relate well to your colleagues."

You think, "That's not a question! How do I give evidence?"

An MSNBC news anchor lifting a document and earnestly asking a question. The text reads

The Real Question

The interviewer is really asking you to give an example of how you build and maintain positive relationships. They want to know how well you get along with your colleagues or coworkers.

"Give evidence that you relate well to your colleagues" is a behavioral question that interviewers use to "assess how well you handled specific situations in the past and determine your likely behavior in similar situations."

Three women talking in an office setting. One is happily smiling. Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

STAR Answer

You can use the STAR technique to develop interview examples for behavioral questions.

  • Situation: Set context for the story

  • Task: Describe your responsibility

  • Action: Explain what steps you took

  • Results: Share the outcome of your actions

Interview Prep

Before your interview, think about your school, work, or volunteer experiences.

Use the STAR technique to write an example about your interpersonal relationships with your coworkers.


  • Situation: My senior seminar marketing professor assigned a group project to create a business plan. My group voted me team leader.

  • Task: It was my job to make sure everyone was communicating and collaborating.

  • Action: I set up a chat and encouraged everyone to share ideas. When there was a split in the group about product name ideas, I suggested a mash-up that got everyone excited.

  • Result: We earned the highest grade and the whole group decided to work together for the rest of the semester.

A professional basketball coach gives tips to a player during a game.

Pro Tips

  1. In the Taskstep, focus on evidence that relates to a work assignment, not a social experience.

  2. In the Result step, explain how you maintained the relationships you made.

Your Turn

Scenario: Tyzheir is applying for a job at XYZ corporation and is concerned about the "Give evidence that you relate well to colleagues" question. He has prepared three examples that demonstrate how he has developed and maintained positive relationships. He wants your advice about which one is best.


At my previous job, many of us got our morning coffee at the same shop. I noticed our small talk was getting more sarcastic and negative about work. So, I invited my coworkers to form a regular morning coffee meet-up with only one rule — share something positive.

Our group grew from three to ten people. We shared a lot of laughs and our work began to feel a little lighter. Some of us even began meeting after work for drinks.


I was part of a large group of interns. One of our jobs was to create digital copies of old paper files. It was boring work, so I suggested we break into teams for a friendly competition.

Each week, the group that converted the most files won a week off from file duty. We got much more efficient and the boss complimented our teamwork. Throughout the year, the competition helped us grow positive bonds and find creative solutions.


In the past, I volunteered at a thrift store, sorting and displaying donated clothes. At first, each person grabbed a pile of clothes, put them on hangers, then wandered through the store looking for the right section to display each piece.

To make things more efficient, I suggested that we split up into groups of sorters, hangers, and stockers. After that, everything went more quickly and everyone was happier.


Which is the best answer?

Take Action

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash. Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Now that you know how to answer the question, "Give evidence that you relate well to your colleagues," take some time to prepare your answer.


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