It's official — you've got your interview scheduled but don't know what questions to expect.

Flaticon Icon A little daunting, right? Here's one interview question your interviewer will surely ask you:

"What motivates you to perform well?"

Yes, this is a tough question that requires thoughtful preparation. But fret not! Before the interview, stay composed and tackle this question confidently by considering these approaches.

A woman asks,

Why Do They Ask This Question?

Flaticon Icon Interviewers ask this question to learn specific things about you. They want to learn about:

  • Your personality: Showcase your personality by sharing traits that reveal who you are and what makes you unique.

  • Your understanding of the role: Explain how your motivations align with the responsibilities and expectations of the position.

  • Your level of self-awareness: Show your awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, and how they influence you to excel.

Finn the Human and Jake the Dog from Adventure Time saying,

How Should You Answer This Question?

Identifying the right approach to make your response to this question impactful makes a big difference.

Make a note of the things that will help you craft a compelling and authentic answer. Most importantly: be honest, mindful, and specific!

GIF of someone saying,

Here's how:

  1. Highlight measurable results, such as numbers or statistics, and emphasize your intention to replicate that success in the role you're applying for.

  2. Name past projects and achievements from your previous role, demonstrating how they align with the new position.

  3. Share what really thrills you about your work. Being authentic matters, as interviewers can quickly sense insincerity.

  4. Tailor your response to reflect the company’s core values. A quick research into their mission and vision helps.

Draw focus to these key approaches to help your interviewer see that you're genuine about the motivations you’ve shared to perform well.

Checkmarks being added to a list.

Now Try This!

Flaticon Icon

Here are some example answers for a UI developer role:

Example A

Formulating impactful solutions motivates me. In my previous role, I recommended implementing DevOps, saving $2,500 on our CRM development budget. That's one specific quality we software developers bring to the table — problem-solving with tangible results.

The limitless learning opportunities in this field, and connecting with like-minded people fuel my passion, values the company embodies. These drive me to consistently perform at my best, and I’m eager to contribute meaningfully to your team and company.

Example B

Ever since I started working as a UI developer, it's been my mantra to build intuitive and interactive products for the users. For example, I redesigned a client's banking website, I was not able to complete it due to budget issues but still I am proud of it.

I live and breathe aesthetics, therefore materializing a concept into a user-friendly and aesthetically appealing design ignites that passion and creativity in me. In this role, I am looking forward to continuing that goal while aligning my work with the company's core values.


Which one stands out as the best response?

Take Action

Michael Buble snaps his fingers and points. The text reads:

To prepare for this interview question:


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