Wouldn't it be great to have an awesome best friend who's always with you and can give you advice perfectly suited to your personality?

Is your first thought, "Oohhh... that would be nice. I wish!"

Not so fast! You can be your own friend, and you might already act like a friend to yourself without realizing it!

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Treat Yourself Kindly

Be nice to yourself.

Talk to yourself the way you'd talk to a good friend.

Forgive yourself if you make a mistake.

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You missed a deadline because you forgot about it. What do you tell yourself?

Trust Yourself

Asking for advice can sometimes be helpful, but don't be afraid to make your own decisions without feeling like you need approval.

Trust your instincts to tell you when something is right for you.

Sometimes you may want to do something no one else does, and that's okay!

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You see a new restaurant and want to try it. What should you do?

Prioritize Yourself

Put yourself and your needs first.

Taking care of yourself and making yourself happy are important.

It's okay to set boundaries and say no if you don't want to do something.

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You finally have time in your busy schedule to go to the gym! Before you leave, your friend calls and asks if you can help them move today. What do you do?

Take Action

Practice being a good friend to yourself! This week:

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