Can you think about one thing that teens and youth share in common? In the US, 61% of teens are under intense pressure to get good grades.

As a student, you're responsible for planning, writing, and submitting essays — it's pass or fail,and that pressure can be real. Nobody wants a bad grade. So, how do you avoid the stress? Effective essay planning is key.

Ateacher marking an F on an essay.

Today, tools like online essay graders can help with prep and submission, offering quick feedback. But like any tool, they have pros and cons.

We'll explore those pros and cons so you can decide how to use an online essay grader.

Why might I need an online essay grader?

You write essays to demonstrate what you've learned, but sometimes things don't quite click. Maybe you're unsure about a concept or your writing skills. That's where an online grader can help.

While teacher feedback is essential, an online essay grader offers instant feedback on grammar, and structure before submission. It can also help you avoid plagiarism — a type of cheating when students copy material from other writers.

A teacher from the Simpson telling her class,

Online essay graders help you improve and build confidence before your teacher sees your essay. It's like a practice run, helping you avoid common mistakes and submit a stronger essay. It's not about replacing teachers, but about giving you extra support.

How does an online essay grader works?

An online essay grader is a software program that uses AI to:

  • analyze and evaluate essays.

  • compare an essay to a set of criteria, such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, organization, and content.

  • assign a score to the essay based on how well it meets these criteria.

  • provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

It can help you plan and write your essay for good grades.

Grading of essay

Depending on your needs and budget, there are different kinds of online essay graders. Some are free, and others are available on subscription.

Quiz: Jane's essay writing skills

Flaticon Icon Jane is a Grade 8 student who finds writing essays challenging.

When she writes, she often struggles to organize her thoughts and feels overwhelmed by the process. Her teacher has noted that:

  • Her essays lack a clear thesis statement and supporting arguments.

  • Her writing also tends to jump from one idea to another without clear connections, making it difficult to follow.

  • Proofreading is another area where Jane could improve.

Which feature(s) of an online essay grader would most help Jane improve her writing?

A. Structure & organization: to help improve the flow, thesis statement, and transitions.

B. Vocabulary: to suggest more advanced and varied word choices.

C. Grammar & mechanics: to check grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

D. Plagiarism detection: to ensure her writing is original and check for copied content.


Which feature(s) of an online essay grader would most help Jane improve her writing?

How to use an online essay grader

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  1. Choose an online essay grader based on your budget and needs.

  2. Create an account (if needed).

  3. Upload your written essay.

  4. Select options (if applicable) like academic level, subject, and specific areas to Check.

  5. Submit your essay.

  6. Review the report: check the overall score, and if available, review feedback for improvement & do a plagiarism check.

  7. Revise your essay.

Benefits of an online essay grader

Anytime you use an online essay grader, it gives you the critical eye of a tutor.

A man blinking his eyes. The text reads,

An online essay grader has many benefits:

  • Improved writing skills: Instant feedback from the grader will help you improve your writing skills in real time.

  • Self-guided learning: You'll be able to take charge of your writing skills development.

  • Increased confidence: You'll have a strong sense of ownership in your writing skills.

Drawbacks of online essay grader

A man pointing. He says,

Online essay graders can be tempting tools, offering quick feedback and seeming like a shortcut to a better grade. But like anything that sounds too good to be true, there are some serious drawbacks you need to consider.

Online essay graders don't have the human touch of a teacher or tutor. They might struggle to understand complex arguments or the tone of academic writing. This might lead a grader to:

  • Give writing suggestions that might not work for your essay.

  • Grade your essay incorrectly.

You might also become too dependent on online essay graders for writing suggestions instead of coming up with your own. This can slow your critical thinking skills development, and your teacher might even accuse you of plagiarism.

Using online essay graders tools carelessly can actually harm your learning and even lead to cheating, so tread carefully.


Jane wants to use an essay grader to help her improve her essay. What should she do while using it?

Take Action

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Online essay graders are there to assist you with your essays and help you fine-tune them, but they're just one course of action.

If you want better grades on your essays, make sure you have a good plan:


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