Do you spend hours planning learning activities?

Are you unsure about the best way to integrate technology into your lessons?

A group of women talking around a table. One says,

You're in the right place! Follow these 3 steps to plan a lesson using microlearning to save time and increase your effectiveness.

This plan is for:

  • a 30-60 minute session

  • groups between 3-30 people

  • ages 10 and up

  • virtual or in-person sessions

Step 1: Pick A Byte

  • What skill are you trying to develop?

  • What challenges are your learners facing?

  • What interests them?

Chances are, there's a Byte for that!

Bytes are ~5 min e-learning courses that focus on the practical application of a skill. They use memes, gifs, and quizzes to engage learners.

Here's how to pick a Byte:

  • Browse the categories on Rumie or enter key terms in the search bar. ⬅️

  • Pick the Byte(s) you think your learners will best relate to. ⬅️

A teacher in front of chalkboard with text that reads:

Step 2: Share The Byte

There are two main approaches you can use to review the Byte with your learners:

  1. Share the link and ask them to review it before your session. This is called a flipped classroom model. 🔗

  2. Read it through together in the session.Depending on the group size, either ask learners to take turns reading sections, or have them pair off and review the Byte together. 💬

Kid President in the classroom saying,

Step 3: Discuss It

Spark conversation by asking questions like:

  • What did you find helpful?

  • What surprised you? 

  • Is there anything you can/will apply from the Byte to your life?

  • What else would you want to know about this topic/skill?

Add any other questions you have related to the specific content.

A woman says,


Which of these would be the best question to spark discussion?

Sample Lesson Plan

30 min session

  • Read Byte together (10 min)

  • Discuss learner thoughts, questions, and reactions (10 min)

  • Discuss what the next step is to put the learning into action (10 min)

Flaticon Icon

60 min session

  • Read Byte in pairs (10 min)

  • Pairs discuss their thoughts and make a list of any questions they have or additional things they would like to know about the topic (15 min)

  • Questions are shared and discussed among the whole group (20 min)

  • Discuss what the next step is to put the learning into action (10 min)

  • Final thoughts & wrap up (5 min)

Take Action


Your feedback matters to us.

This Byte helped me better understand the topic.